
Easy Raw Food Recipes - Smoothies Recipe

Easy raw food recipes are few and far between! This one is the simplest little trick you will have up your sleeve to make snacks and quick l...

Easy raw food recipes are few and far between! This one is the simplest little trick you will have up your sleeve to make snacks and quick lunches easy!

Raw Snacks or a Quick Meal

 Banana Berry Smoothie - Serves One

 1 medium banana  
50g of Avocado
1 scoop of Sun warrior vanilla plant protein
1/2 cup of  frozen mixed berries- frozen makes the smoothie taste like ice cream- very popular!
1 tbsp of agave (or honey if your not vegan or fussed!)

Blend on high until smooth and creamy then serve immediately

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

Nutritional information

per serve
Total calories

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  1. Excellent recipes! I'm a cheesecake fan I'll have to try that recipe...

  2. without the avocado, it sounds like i would drink it.. I am highly allergic to avocado!

  3. Having this awesome books for an amount as little as $29.97 is really a great deal I fyou ask for my opinion.

    Looking forward to placing my first order

  4. Smoothies are amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yes, Another recipe I am going to try. The picture looks really good.

  6. mmm yum!!! I love frozen berries in smoothies!!!!
