
Banana Cream Chocolate Pie | Raw Food Diet Recipes

Yum Banana Cream Pie !! But what is  raw food recipe ?? Raw food is yes uncooked, unprocessed , natural food that comes straight from the ...

Yum Banana Cream Pie!! But what is  raw food recipe?? Raw food is yes uncooked, unprocessed , natural food that comes straight from the earth. Food in it's raw state has a high level of nutrition compared to cooked and processed food ( or as we call it in the industry 'dead food' ) Raw food

excludes all SUGAR, LACTOSE, DAIRY, WHEAT, GLUTEN and anything that has been processed.

The benefits? No allergies, No bloating, weight loss, healthy skin and hair and a general all over feeling of health and wellness.

Gross right? Veggie fad diet right? Rabbits, lettuce munchers and hippies diet right? Those 'raw foodies' must be MISERABLE...

WRONG! It can Be fun , join me by clocking above to subscribe to learn about how you can make food fun and YUMMY but still healthy!

Healthy , like this recipe for Banana Cream Pie!

So what does a 'Raw Foodie' do when they want to eat cake munch on chocolate and really fix that sweet tooth with a naughty treat?

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

They 'cook' raw cakes .. Which happens to be my specialty.

Today I'm going to share with you my favorite raw food recipes for weight loss, keeping that blood sugar level stable and much more…

Banana Chocolate Cream Pie... 

omg I'm already licking my lips..!!!

The essentials:
A freezer
A blender or food processor
An Empty Stomach!!!!

2 Cups of Almonds
1/5 cup of liquid honey -If your vegan grab Agave Syrup
1/5 cup of melted coconut oil
10 soaked dates

Banana layer
2 frozen bananas ( medium to large )
2 cup of cashews
1/4 cup of honey
1/2 cup of coconut milk
2 TBS of melted coconut oil
4 soaked dates

Chocolate Layer:
1/2 cup of Cacao Powder
8 soaked dates
1/4 tsp of salt
1/2 Cup of Cacao butter or coconut oil melted
1/3 Cup of honey

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

Crust Layer : Place all almonds in the blender and get it nice and finely chopped - finer the better. Place in a bowl and add honey - mix and knead until you have a big ball of almond honey - should feel like cookie dough. Keep mixing until all almonds are mixed with the honey evenly- you can add more if necessary. Grab a cake tin , and press the mixture into the tin. In the freezer it goes!

Banana Layer: Day prior - Freeze two bananas and soak all cashews over night in water ( or two hours minimum if you don't have time ) The cashews give it a creamy pie texture yummmmmmmmmmmy. Place all banana ingredients into a blender and puree until really creamy. Taste- does it need more sweet ? It should be really thick and creamy- if not add more cashews but if it is then we are almost done. Pull the base from the freezer and evenly spread the mixture over the base. Now I usually have it about 1.5 inches thick but you can do as much as you like. You can place the excess banana cream aside and use as ice cream for later- YES SERIOUSLY yummmmm.

Chocolate layer: My favourite - Place all ingredients in the blender and mix, mix, mix it should look like there is no way that there is enough liquid- once you have a mixing frenzy it will suddenly turn into a shiny chocolate ganash ...Taste it, is it sweet enough? If not add more honey.
Spread over banana mixture ( you may want to let the banana mixture set for an hour before making the chocolate on top so that you can spread it without mixing layers.

Freeze for 2 to 3 hours, let it sit for 10 mins in the refrigerator prior to serving. So it is best kept in the freezer but give a piece a trial in the fridge. If you enjoy the consistency of a slightly softer cake then so be it.

CONGRATULATIONS you've just made a healthy raw cake, Now I've told you it's healthier but here is why!...

No Sugar - Keep your blood Sugar levels on an even keel! After the withdrawals are over and you have successfully rid your body of sugar (yippee!) you will almost immediately begin to notice the benefits to this lifestyle. These benefits will have varying degrees for everyone but most likely you will experience on a very positive level that will keep you very encouraged to continue this lifestyle.

-Your sugar cravings will be drastically reduced. This lifestyle will seem so much more simple when your sweet tooth has been "extracted" haha!

-You will have much less hunger pains.This is one of my favorite things about being sugar free. I almost never "feel" hungry. When you live on sugar and carbs, your body uses this as your main energy source. When you are running low, your body responds by sending a chemical to your brain that basically acts like the gas light in your car that comes on when your running low on gas. Its telling you..."You need to refuel! I'm running low.. Hurry hurry!" When your body is sugar free, your body's energy source comes from "good sugars" like fruits, proteins, and your fat storages!

Almonds- They reduce heart attack risk, They lower ‘bad’ cholesterol, They protects artery walls from damage, Almonds help build strong bones and teeth, They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss, Almonds lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals.

Coconut Oil: Eases digestion, assists in weight loss, supports your immunity, boosts your metabolism and stops sugar cravings!

If you suffer from poor digestion or tummy bloating try adding coconut oil to your diet. Coconut oil has been found to benefit digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and microbial related tummy bugs

Bananas: Keeps digestion regular, Lowers blood pressure, Cancer prevention, Vitamin B6 and bone health.

These are truly only the beginning of what each and every ingredient in this super cake does. So take action today and incorporate some of these tasty treats into your lifestyle. But be careful not to over indulge! These are treats and eaten in moderation as part of a healthy balanced diet. They are high in calories so over consumption isn't advised!

I look forward to being part of your journey as you take action and join me on mine.

Take care and until tomorrow..


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  1. Fantasic and yummy though even though you use honey, its a lot of sugar, pitty.

    1. you could most certainly replace the sugar/agave/honey with stevia which is an all natural zero calorie sweetner.. give it a try ;)
