
Workouts For Women - Weight Loss Plan

Today we are going to look at a really simple plan for Workouts for Women that will assist you in your weight loss plan . This workout has...

Today we are going to look at a really simple plan for Workouts for Women that will assist you in your weight loss plan. This workout has been designed at a beginners level but you can amp it up to advanced by adding more power and more sets. These workouts for Women are designed to burn

  Weekly Weight Loss Workout for Free Plan
fat, flatten tummies and tone thighs so get ready for some EPIC results!

 If you are unsure of how to get results from your workouts for women plan or you need some advice on meal plans then feel free to contact me via the contact page for advice.

So let's get into it...got your runners on yet?

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet


Weekly Weight Loss Workout for Free Plan

Monday and Thursday - 10 to 20 minutes

Lower body

This workout is using body weight resistance only. You need to do each exercise with as much’ power and speed as possible while keeping form. Do not rest in between as the point is to elevate your heart rate rapidly. After each exercise has been completed you may then rest by walking at a slow pace for two minutes. Repeat until you have completed 20 minutes.

10 Squats

                               10 Jumping Side Lunges

         10 Static Lunges                    
10 Tuck Jumps

Repeat each exercise 10 times then go straight into the next. After you have made your way through all four then rest for 2minutes by walking gently, repeat for 10 minutes working your way up to 20 minutes over time

Tuesday and Saturday

Upper Body and Core Strength

This workout is using body weight resistance only. You need to do each exercise with as much power and speed as possible while keeping form. Do not rest in between as the point is to elevate your heart rate rapidly. After each exercise has been completed you may then rest by walking at a slow pace for two minutes. Repeat until you have completed 20 minutes.

FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet

10 Staples
workouts for women

 10 Press Ups
workouts for women
 10 Triceps Dips

workouts for women
 10 Overhead Throws
workouts for free

Repeat each exercise 10 times then go straight into the next. After you have made your way through all four then rest for 2minutes by walking gently, repeat for 10 minutes working your way up to 20 minutes over time

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