Free Raw Food Detox Plan – Weekly Detox Juice Plan
1:25 AMAre you looking for a Raw food detox plan that will boost your energy, detox your internal organs and assist in weight loss?
Raw Detox Juicing is one of life’s untapped natural potent sources of nutrition. I know many people who have gone and brought the juicer but haven’t really done the research nor do they have the know-how behind getting the most out of your juicer.
If you don’t already have a juicer you can pick one up anywhere form $89-$2000. You get what you spend so if you’re going down the juicing path to assist healing of a disease then make sure you spend over the $200 mark as you need a better quality. It’s also really important to find out which is the best juicer for you. Some are better for small amounts of leafy vegetable and some are better for nut milks, fruit juices, soft fruits etc.
Raw Food Detox Plan - Weekly juice detox plan
Juicing is also about variety. We want to be ‘mixing it up’ throughout the week to make sure we are getting a variety of fruits and vegetable in concentrated doses. Did you know that Juice is absorbed at a cellular level within 15minutes of consuming? Crazy isn’t it?! It goes straight to work especially when you follow this easy Raw Food Detox Plan.
FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet
Today we are going to take a look at a simple 7 day Raw Food Detox juicing plan that will cover your nutritional needs. This is only a basic plan to boost your nutritional intake alongside a healthy diet and exercise. You will need to get nutrition through your Raw food as well!
You will notice that we alternate the fruit juices and high sugar content with the low sugar super green juices. The sequence of juices is designed to help clear and eliminate waste and toxins from your system especially your bowel and intestines so you may notice a bit of rumbling and extra movement, don’t be alarmed this is normal and good for you. If any extreme side effects in your bowel or tummy happen please make sure you remove the last Juice you had from the plan and carry on. Most of the time your body just may not be ready for a particular fruit or vegetable yet!
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Does your diet look this good?? |
Raw Food Detox Plan - Weekly Detox Juice Plan
Mondays Raw Food Juice: Carrot, Apple, Beetroot, Celery, Ginger and Garlic
For two people: Equal parts Carrot, Apple , beetroot and Celery until required amount is juiced then add a knob of ginger and a touch of garlic if you can stomach it.
Tuesdays Raw Food Juice: Cucumber, Spinach, Coriander, Lime and Celery
For two - ½ a Cucumber, 6 stalks of Celery, 1 Cup of Spinach, a few sprigs of Coriander and ½ a small lime to taste
Wednesdays Raw Food Juice: Pineapple, Lemon, Pear and Apple
For two - Equal parts Pineapple, Pear and Apple + ½ a lemon
Thursdays Raw Food Juice: Parsley, Kale, Apple, Spinach, Broccoli
For two – Equal parts broccoli and kale, 1 Cup of Spinach, 1 Medium Apple and 1 cup of parsley
Fridays Raw Food Juice: (My Favourite!) Pumpkin, Cinnamon and Carrot
For two- Equal parts Pumpkin and Carrot + ½ tsp. of cinnamon and ½ a tsp. of nutmeg
Saturdays Raw Food Juice: Celery, Broccoli, Lemon, parsley and Kale
For two - equal parts Celery and Broccoli, ½ a lemon, 1 Cup of parsley and 1 Cup of kale
Sundays Raw Food Juice – Apple, Orange , Kiwi , Melon and Pear
For two – equal parts until required amount is juiced – with the kiwi if your juicer isn’t high quality you can peel and lend your kiwi and then stir into your juice.
FREE EBOOK: Getting Ripped On A Plant Based Diet
Let’s a take a good look at just some of the benefits you will receive from the Raw Food Detox Plan ingredients
Beetroot - Beet root is a powerful internal cleanser as well as anti oxidant and strong cancer fighting properties. It is rich in folate in fact it's one of the highest sources known and can help to prevent spinal defects in children. Beetroot aids in prevention and healing from depression and Alzheimers as well as many chronic health conditions
Celery and Cucumber – Natures best known diuretic, helping the flow of urine and aiding in healing fluid retention. Assists in aiding the body to fight in teeth and gum diseases. Also contains Erepsin an enzyme that helps the body digest protein. Fights diabetes, liver and pancreatic disease and prevents splitting of hair and nails
Coriander and Parsley- Internal deodorant, high in Chlorophyll a full body internal cleanse and detoxes the organs, removes heavy metals, detoxes your body , prevents against salmonella poisoning, assists in lowering blood sugar (great for diabetes) easing menstrual discomfort and flow, anti-inflammatory, Anti histamine and digestion and flatulence
Pumpkin - Pumpkin juice reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. It is rich in pectin that helps lower cholesterol. Raw pumpkin juice plays a vital part in preventing and treating gallstones or any other gallbladder problem. And it is really a good liver cleanser! Pumpkin juice promotes healthy kidney function and urinary system health. Raw pumpkin juice is a good source of vitamin C and minerals that boost the immunity. Being rich in Vitamin E and beta-carotene, fresh pumpkin juice promotes healthy and beautiful skin. Raw pumpkin juice might be also very beneficial for pregnant women, as it helps to get through morning sickness (nausea, vomiting, etc.)
Pumpkin Juice also aids in insomnia and sleep disorders and is highly anti-carcinogenic in that it aids in healing and preventing cancer
Juicing is the quickest and easiest way to heal your body. If your suffering from diabetes, obesity, lack of energy, sleep , dry hair, breakouts on your skin, cancer…pretty much any issue you will see an improvement. All of the ingredients listed have powerful benefits that help your body- research it, learn it, live it and drink it!
Time to make the commitment towards a healthier you? How about a comprehensive 9 day Juice detox....
amazing new detox eBook allows you to quickly and easily drop the unwanted
toxic weight
from your body, leaving you feeling refreshed, revived and re-energized. Complete with over 27 Juice Recipes specifically created to help you detox, cleanse and repair, with bonus shopping list, preparation guide, anti-aging antioxidant guide and step-by-step plan once you've finished your 9 Day Raw Juice Detox.
from your body, leaving you feeling refreshed, revived and re-energized. Complete with over 27 Juice Recipes specifically created to help you detox, cleanse and repair, with bonus shopping list, preparation guide, anti-aging antioxidant guide and step-by-step plan once you've finished your 9 Day Raw Juice Detox.
I look forward to being a part of your journey!
Yours in health
Cheers to your health!
until tomorrow...
Julia-Rose xo